About Us.


AI-Driven Digital

As innovators in AI-powered digital marketing, we empower ambitious businesses to achieve extraordinary growth and success in today's rapidly evolving online landscape.

Our cutting-edge strategies and technologies don't just keep you current – they propel you ahead of the competition, turning digital challenges into opportunities for exponential growth.

Human Ingenuity

Our team brings creative vision, strategic thinking, and deep industry knowledge to every project. We understand the nuances of human behavior and market dynamics that AI alone can't fully grasp.

AI Precision

Our advanced AI systems process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and generate insights at superhuman speeds. This allows for hyper-targeted strategies and real-time optimisation.


Our Mission

To revolutionise digital marketing through the seamless integration of AI technology and human creativity, driving unparalleled growth for forward-thinking businesses.


Our Vision

To be Australia's premier AI-driven digital agency, setting new standards in marketing innovation and empowering businesses to thrive in the AI era.


Why Us?

We combine innovative technology with personalised service, offering transparent, data-backed strategies that keep your business ahead in the digital race. As your growth partners, we turn AI power into your competitive advantage.

Our Story:

Alpha AI Agency was born in 2023 on the Gold Coast, but our journey began years earlier in the fast-paced worlds of corporate Australia and cutting-edge tech startups.

Our founder, Jacob Welsh, gained valuable insights from his diverse experiences in data analytics and growth marketing. "Throughout my career, I observed a common thread," Jacob reflects. "Whether in large corporations or agile startups, I saw how crucial data and technology were to success, yet how often they were under-utilised or overcomplicated."

Jacob noticed that regardless of company size, there was often a disconnect between the potential of data-driven strategies and their actual implementation. "In many cases, decision-making was slowed by layers of management, or hindered by a lack of clear ownership over results," he explains. "I saw clients and projects being passed around without delivering on promises, and technology that was misunderstood and underutilized."

These observations sparked a vision: to create an agency that would harness the power of AI and data without the bureaucratic hurdles and inflated costs.

"I knew there had to be a better way," Jacob says. "A way to leverage cutting-edge technology and data insights to drive real, measurable results for businesses of all sizes."

That's when Alpha AI Agency came to life. We understand the challenges you're facing as a business owner in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape. Market volatility, increasing competition, and the pressure to do more with less are constant companions. You don't have time to become an AI expert or decipher complex marketing jargon. You need results, plain and simple.

That's where we come in. At Alpha AI, we're not just another agency. We're a lean, efficient, results-driven team. We've combined our years of experience in data analytics, growth marketing, and AI technology to create a new kind of agency - one that delivers enterprise-level results without the enterprise-level complexity or price tag.

Our mission is clear: to make AI-powered marketing accessible, effective, and affordable for ambitious businesses of all sizes. We're here to be the partner you've always wished for - one that understands your challenges, speaks your language, and is as invested in your success as you are.

If you’re looking for a specialist to build a meaningful digital project you can easily reach us by clicking here

Whether you are a development agency looking to outsource design work, a company in search of a Product Designer or Product Team, a marketing agency that needs.



What People Say?

It was only two weeks before I started to see the difference for my business, initially I would only get 5 emails via my website a month, now I am getting 5 emails a week for referrals, This agency is helping my business grow without me having to take on the tedious work of overlooking my website daily.

Jaxsyn Scholes

Founder - shake counselling

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