Case Study: Omnia Tattoo

Transforming Digital Presence with AI-Driven Strategies

“Couldn’t speak highly enough with the work Jacob from Alpha AI has done for my business. Instant results, instant leads and my website was revamped which became more user friendly” – Luke Dyson


Alpha AI Agency partnered with Omnia Tattoo, a premium tattoo studio in Port Melbourne, to revamp their digital presence. Through AI-powered web development, SEO optimisation, and strategic digital marketing, we achieved a remarkable increase in website traffic and lead generation within just four months.

Client Introduction:

Omnia Tattoo, led by ambitious owner Luke Dyson, is a high-end tattoo studio known for its exceptional artistry. Despite a strong social media following, their website was underperforming, failing to convert online interest into client bookings.


The Challenge:

  • Single-page website with poor performance metrics
  • Minimal organic traffic and lead generation
  • Under-utilised video content
  • Lack of individual artist showcases
  • No structured digital marketing strategy

Our Approach:

We conducted a comprehensive analysis of Omnia Tattoo’s digital presence, identifying key areas for improvement. Our tools allowed us to:

  • Analyse website performance and user behaviour
  • Identify high-potential keywords for the tattoo industry
  • Develop a content strategy aligned with search trends and user intent

Designs That Convert

Omnia Tattoo’s new website is more than just a digital portfolio – it’s a conversion machine.

We leveraged AI-driven insights to create a user experience that not only showcases their exceptional artistry but also guides potential clients effortlessly towards booking.

The result? A stunning increase in traffic, leads and revenue.

Solutions Implemented

AI-Optimised Web Development:

  • Rebuilt the website with a focus on performance and user experience
  • Created dedicated pages for the studio showcase and individual artists
  • Implemented AI-driven content optimisation for all pages

Strategic SEO Implementation:

  • Developed and executed a targeted SEO plan 
  • Created 12 AI-generated, keyword optimised content pieces 
  • Implemented on-page SEO best practices

Digital Marketing Enhancement:

  • Set up and optimised Google Ad campaigns 
  • Provided design templates for Meta advertising
  • Implemented Google Analytics 4 for advanced data tracking

Lead Generation Optimisation:

  • Created AI-powered lead capture forms 
  • Set up workflow automations for instant lead notifications.
  • Zapier automations linked with all of Omnia’s applications..

Results And Impact

  • Website Traffic Growth: From 0 to 761 monthly visitors (Google Analytics)
  • Organic Traffic Increase: From 2 to 738 monthly visitors (SEMrush)
  • Percentage Growth: 36,900% increase in organic traffic
  • Lead Generation: 46 qualified leads through website form submissions
  • Estimated Revenue Impact: $18,400 in potential booking value
  • International Reach: Unexpected growth in international traffic, opening new market opportunities