Our Work

Client Success Stories

This collection of case studies demonstrates how our AI-driven strategies have turned digital potential into financial success for our partners. Each story is backed by hard data and real-world results.

Alpha AI transformed Omnia Tattoo’s online presence, catapulting their website traffic from 2 to 743 monthly visitors in just four months. Our AI-driven strategies revamped their website, optimised SEO, and implemented targeted digital marketing campaigns. The result? A staggering 37,050% increase in organic traffic and 46 qualified leads, translating to an estimated $18,400 in potential bookings.

Omnia Tattoo Studio

Alpha AI revamped Shake Counselling’s digital presence, boosting their website traffic from 48 to 664 monthly visitors in just three months. Our innovative strategies transformed their website, optimised SEO, and implemented targeted digital marketing campaigns. The result? A significant increase in organic traffic, 41 qualified leads, and an AI chatbot engaging 231 unique users, translating to an estimated $43,050 in potential lifetime client value entering their pipeline.

Shake Counselling

Alpha AI partnered with Nature of Wellness to create a digital sanctuary that mirrors their holistic approach. We rebuilt their website from the ground up, focusing on user experience and conversion optimisation. Our work included developing ideal customer profiles, implementing advanced analytics, and creating a roadmap for expanding into online therapy services. The new platform is primed for significant growth in traffic and leads.

Nature Of Wellness